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Embarrassing Moments on airport

Hey there, We all love traveling, don’t we? Planning a tour includes getting the bookings done, be it arranging for cheap air tickets or arranging your hotel bookings. Most of the expenses that we can see during a trip are for arranging the travel. The travel expenses take up more than 60% of your total trip budget if you don’t plan your trip properly. Cheap International Airfare is very difficult to get hands-on. You must have connections with some good agencies to get your hands on the same
What was your last trip? What destination did you choose to visit? Was it your family trip?
And the most important question… Was it your first trip ever?
First air trips are not so comfortable… This information is for those who never boarded on an International Airline or even a national airline. Those who have experience… They have full freedom to share their thoughts as well…

My first ever flight experience was full of tremors. Yes, The literal ones… I choose to travel solo as I had to meet my friends at the Mumbai airport. I had to reach the airport by around 1.30 at noon. I took a cab and I was happy as got Low-Cost Airlines easily saving quite a few bucks from my end. Reached the airport crossed the security and everything was going fine. Once I got on the plane searching for my seat… I found someone already sitting there. Ok, just to inform.. A person like me is very shy and I would never raise a voice against someone so easily. But then Zakir Khan Said… “Badal Important Hai” So yes I would never let anyone take my window seat that too in my first flight ever.

Having a conversation with that gay was difficult but somehow I managed to grab my seat. My problems did not end here. Once everything was ready and we were about to take off, I had some fear in my head. A fear of something unknown making my heart race… (unknown is the object created by the movies that show dangerous accidents). But thank god nothing like that happened faced quite a few tremors and some lightning out of the window but thank god.
Share your experiences with me as well. Let’s see if we can discover some more such moments…


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