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Myths Related To The English Language | English Coaching Classes


One of the most predominant languages that are used by almost half of the world’s population, English is considered by many countries as a universal means of communication. In countries like India, Europe, America, and many others, learning English is made compulsory for all ages. Knowing the language and having a better grasp over it increases your chances of development, allowing you to succeed in all aspects of life. 

However, just like how there are such positive words surrounding the language, there are negative rumours as well. Think about it in your own way? What does it mean to know or have a grasp over the language? Does it mean to speak eloquently in English? Does it mean, being able to read and write in English? Or is it an aspect that we are missing out on? 

Before you enrol yourself for Creative’s English coaching classes to improve in the subject, let us help you debunk some common myths that come to view related to the subject. 

Here are some of the many common myths known and believed by us: 

If it’s your mother tongue then you’re fluent:

One of the most common myths surrounding the language is the fact that if you have been speaking in English since your first words then you are fluent. At Creative’s English coaching classes you will be told otherwise. You see having a grasp means being able to use the right prepositions, verbs, adjectives and nouns when having a conversation or writing in English. So, this myth is definitely not to be believed in. 

You cannot start a sentence with a conjunction!

For this myth, at Creative’s English coaching classes you will be told about the difference between the English sentence that sounds correct and the English sentence that is actually correct. Using conjunction at the beginning of any new sentence is not preferred by many school teachers as well as college professors as it sounds like a broken sentence to them. But in no way using a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence is considered to be wrong or grammatically incorrect. 

No ending a sentence with a preposition: 

Although believed by many, no one stops to think why using a preposition at the end of a sentence is considered as wrong. It is again another rule mostly adhered to by school teachers and college professors because it makes a sentence sound incomplete. But trust our English coaching classes when we say that there is no hard rule against using a preposition to end your sentence. 

Passive Voice isn’t supposed to be used: 

The reason why your teacher tends to revolt against passive sentences is that they don’t sound confident. But at creative’s English coaching classes we can tell you that passive sentences exist so that you can use and apply them while writing an essay or having a normal conversation with a fellow peer. 

We have stated here a few of the many myths that students new to the language tend to believe. So join Creative English coaching classes today to debunk every myth that you or anyone else believes in. Learn your language with ease, at Creative!


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