One of the most predominant languages that are used by almost half of the world’s population, English is considered by many countries as a universal means of communication. In countries like India, Europe, America, and many others, learning English is made compulsory for all ages. Knowing the language and having a better grasp over it increases your chances of development, allowing you to succeed in all aspects of life. However, just like how there are such positive words surrounding the language, there are negative rumours as well. Think about it in your own way? What does it mean to know or have a grasp over the language? Does it mean to speak eloquently in English? Does it mean, being able to read and write in English? Or is it an aspect that we are missing out on? Before you enrol yourself for Creative’s English coaching classes to improve in the subject, let us help you debunk some common myths that come to view related to the subject. Here are some of the...
“Every artist was first an amateur” These famous words by the great Ralph Waldo Emerson are an indication that no one is born an artist. You become one with having love and passion to back your inner talent. Think of it this way, have you ever seen a baby create a fresco write after it has held a crayon. No! Because that is illogical and not possible. Every talent possessed by humans needs to be nurtured but finding the right kind of guidance can be difficult. Although these days schools do offer drawing classes they are mostly secluded to assignments that your drawing teacher believes will help you improve. Most students just somehow finish these projects to be done with them and get good grades. That is why we are welcoming all drawing enthusiasts to come to take lessons from our drawing tutors in Howrah , at Creative to learn better. So let us list down some of the many reasons why one should be taking drawing classes if they love art: Starting from the basics...